サークルオブセルフトレーナー ブレンダからの紹介メッセージ






the Circles of the Self is an informative Psychological Assessment that all clinicians will find beneficial – music and art therapist for certain, and even psychologists, counselors and clinical social workers! The assessment gives us a ‘snap shot’ of the psyche in the moment. It helps put into words emotions, fears and beliefs clients may have a difficult time sharing – because they are embarrassed to share, or even because they can’t quite form the words. It is incredibly valuable in creating a treatment plan and giving the clinician information about resistance, defenses and pacing of treatment.

I had a client who upon termination said that I was his forth therapist and the only one who was able to help him. The reason – this psychological assessment laid out before him things that he was not quite able to confess. But because the assessment showed this, we were able to talk about it and he was able to do the work he needed to do.

I have also have numerous clients downplay their feelings of despair. This shows up in the assessment and we can then talk about it openly and honestly – directing the therapy where it is most useful.

I have a number of other stories about how the Circles of the Self psychological assessment has been beneficial to clients! Feel free to ask.


And if anyone is considering the course, but has questions, they are welcome to contact me directly, or through you.

I am so very excited to be able to come share this assessment with you and others in Japan. I just finished a training two weeks ago with a woman who is moving to England. It is cool that this psychological assessment will be crossing the oceans!


Brenda Burgner,


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